Various Islamic Lectures

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
The End Of Time | A New Beginning

The Day of Judgement (AL Qiyamah), a day where the complete destruction of Earth and the Universe will take place. A day of destruction and terror that has never been witnessed by any eye before.This event will mark the final day of life on Earth, it will also be the start of a new eternal life in the Hereafter. Lecture Titles & Speakers: 1. One Man to Unite Them All...The Return of Jesus(AS) by Uthman Lateef 2. Flat Line...The Point of No Return by SUhaib Hasan 3. The Sound of The Trumpet...The Real Terror Starts by Murtaza Khan 4. Ghafla...Time Waits For No Man by Abdul Majeed Alee Hasan Bonus Lecture: Paradise or Hell...Your Just Reward by Anwar al-Awlaki
- The Return of Jesus (AS) by Uthman Lateef
- The Real Terror Starts by Murtaza Khan
- Your Just Reward by Anwar al-Awlaki
Heroes Of Islam

The life of the Muslim Ummah is solely dependent on the ink of it's scholars and the blood of it's Martyrs." - Shaykh Abdullah Azzam (May the Mercy of Allah be with him)Indeed history is written in the colours, black - the ink of its scholars, red - the blood of the martyrs. Maktabah Sound Studio is proud to introduce "Heroes of Islam" a series of lectures exploring the lives of some of the greatest men in the history of Islam these being:-
- Imam Abu Hanifah [702-772 CE]
- Imam Malik bin Anas [709-801 CE]
- Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak [740-803 CE]
- Shaykh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah [1263-1330 CE]
- Salahuddin Ayyubi [1137-1193 CE]
- Muzaffar Qutuz and the Battle of Ain-Jaloot [1260 CE]
- Muhammad Al-Fatih [1453 CE]
- Syed Qutub [1906-1966 CE]
- Shaykh Tamim Al-Adnani (1942-1989CE)
- Shaykh Abdullah Azzam (1941-1989CE)
- Shaykh Tamim Al-Adnani - Current Affairs
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah's Qasidah Nuniyyah

Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah's (691H - 751H)
'Qasidah Nuniyyah' (on the Description of Jannah) Recited by Abdul Aziz Al-Matrafy. Qasidah Nuniyyah being the Arabic for, 'A Poem, all the verses of which end with the letter Nun. Trays of gold and cups will be passed round them, (there will be) therein all that the one's inner-selves could desire, all that the eyes could delight in, and you will abide therein forever. This is the Paradise which you have been made to inherit because of your deeds which you used to do (in the life of the world). Therein for you will be fruits in plenty, of which you will eat (as you desire). (Al-Quran, 43: 71-73) Abu Hurairah Narrates that the Prophet said, Almighty Allah says, 'I have prepared for my pious servants that which no eye has seen and no ear has heard and neither has the thought occurred in any persons' heart, so recite if you wish'. 'No soul knows what pleasures are hidden for him' (Al-Qur'an, 32: 17)
America's War On Terror

America's War On Terror by Yvonne Ridley - An inspiring lecture by Yvonne Ridley. The british journalist who found Islam through the hands of Taliban Be inspired, as Yvonne Ridley, a pasionate british journalist decribes the story of how she was held captive by Taliban soldiers in Afganistan. Intimidated by their presence. She persisted with great fighting zeal to return home to her awaiting family. Sit with her in interrogations, war torn Afghan jail facilities and then shed tears of sorrow and joy as this touching story unfolds. Join her as she challenges Taliban soldiers are falsely labeled "Terrorists": Only to later fall in love with their character, morality, respect and way of life
The Benefits of Tawbah

Sheikh Safi Khan of Dar-Us-Salam Presents the Benefits of Tawbah. Scholars interpret tawbah (repentance) to mean all of the following: (i) immediate renunciation of the sin, (ii) firm intention and determination to not return to the sin ever again, (iii) regret over having committed a sin, and, if the sin was against the rights of another human being, then one mast also, (iv) compensate for it.
Gems and Jewels (Audio Book)

Wise Sayings, Interesting Events and Moral Lessons from the Islamic History. Excerpts and passages collected from many books written by the scholars of Islam have been compiled in this volume. The contents will be of equal interest to all Muslims whether they are children or adults, and similarly they will gain a lot of virtues, develop good character patterns, and adopt intellectual behaviour in their lives from the examples of the great personalities of Islam.
Lectures For Sisters

Of Egyptian descent, Yahya Adel Ibrahim was born in Canada and currently resides in Perth, Western Australia. He began memorizing the Quran at the age of 16 and finished 20 months later, receiving an Ijaazah. He began lecturing at the main mosques in Toronto at the age 17. In his quest for authentic and classical Islamic knowledge, Yahya Ibrahim traveled the world to meet, translate and study with Islamic scholars and students of knowledge. Being proficient in Arabic and English, he has translated books and various works from Arabic into English for many Islamic dignitaries.
- Rewards of Women in Jannah 1
- Rewards of Women in Jannah 2
- Who are the Daughters of the Prophet 1
- Who are the Daughters of the Prophet 2
- Where are the Women Scholars
By Any Means Necessary - Malcolm X
In recent times we have the example of Brother Malcolm. He courageously stood firm in the midst of his enemies and was ready to sacrifice everything in the pursuit of seeking the pleasure of Allah (swt).al-Fatihah - An In-Depth Study

Shaykh Jamaaluddin Zarabozo
Muslims have been commanded by Allah to recite Soorah Al-Fatihah a minimum of seventeen times a day. This fact, in itself, should alert the Muslim to the extreme importance of this concise but deep soorah. Indeed, the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) referred to it as Umm al-Qur’an or “the foundation of the Quran itself.” Its teachings aptly touch upon and summarize the entire spectrum of Islamic teachings. As a Muslim grows in his understanding of Soorah al-fatihah, the quality of his daily prayers can be greatly affected and improved. When the quality of his daily prayers are improved, in reality, his entire being can be transformed into a true and blessed servant of Allah, one who fulfills the pact he is making with Allah when he says, “You alone do we worship.”
In preparing this series of lectures, Br. Jamaal Zarabozo has benefited from the vast resources detailing the implications of this beautiful soorah. What the scholars have said about this soorah and what this speaker has captured is not only uplifting but it is a guide for the Muslim’s life. There is no prayer without Soorah al-Fatihah and, thus, there should be no Muslim living without the guidance and teachings of this soorah. With this introduction, you are invited to listen and encounter the in-depth meaning of Soorah al-Fatihah.
The Inner Dimensions of Istikhaara Salaah
Shaykh AbdulBary Yahya. Salaatul Istikhaarah was taught to the Sahaba (R) by the Prophet (SAW) just as they were taught Qur'an. Shaykh AbdulBary goes into the many aspects of Istikhaara and how it acts as a compass for our lives.The Lives of the Prophets

The Lives of the Prophets" is a series of lectures delivered by Anwar Al-Awlaki. It is the first such series produced in the English language. The author has done extensive research in the original Arabic resources. The series is based primarily on Ibn Kathir¦s " Al-Bidayah wa-nihayah (The Beginning and the End)". Br. Al-Awlaki has done an excellent job of relying almost completely on the Quran, Hadith and statements of the Noble Companions.
Volume 1&2
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5 | Track 6 | Track 7 | Track 8 | Track 9
Volume 3&4
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5 | Track 6 | Track 7 | Track 8 | Track 9 | Track 10 | Track 11 Track 12
Imam Al-Mahdi & The Return of The Caliphate

With many of the signs of the Day of Judgement already appeared, the Muslim world now awaits the emergence of Imam Al-Mahdi with the return of the Caliphate. Sheikh Imran Hosein explains the major and minor signs of the Day and with it the appearance of Imam Al-Mahdi, the return of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and the destruction of Gog and Magog. This lectures gives Muslims a wake-up call to observe the world as it changes, especially in these times and with what we are witnessing.
From the Shadows : Exposing the New World Order

Join Halaqah Media's production "From the Shadows" on an audio adventure unlike any other, enhanced with brilliant effects mastered digitally in Dolby Surround. Experience a gripping and compelling adventure through the realms of time. Explore the cloaked hand that has been responsible for some of history's most important turning points. The same hand that now controls every medium, exploiting it for their sole ambition of total global domination with a one World government. Be there when we uncover the gripping truth surrounding Masonry, past and present that is exposed in this exclusive insight never before revealed.
Shadows 2 : Money

Some say money is the root of all evil: a tool used by the wicked and the greedy to manipulate and control.Others see it as the key to all life’s puzzles. But whatever you believe one thing is for sure it affects everyone of us.
Halaqah Media explores the dark history of money and how it has influenced the world we live in.
You will never see money the same again!
Shadows 3: Covert Operations (The CIA Exposed)

Enhanced CD. Digitally recorded and reproduced - DDD. "Man, independent of time, independent of place, independent of religion seems to be inherently blood thirsty with an enthusiastic restlessness for war. In the dawn of a new century, it seems our ability to change is forever escaping us; ultimately, wars will always know sequels."
Tearful Moments of the Prophet's Life

This study of the Sunnah, entitled, "Tearful Moments of the Prophet's Life," is a detailed explanation of many of the ahadeeth in which Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is found to cry. Once again, Brother Yahya Ibrahim presents to us a familiar topic in a fresh & unique way. Heart softening & poignant, Brother Yahya's subtly eloquent lecture series touches upon very relevant lessons that will prove to be beneficial to both the young and old, insha'Allah.
Profiles of Courage : Story of Imam Ahmed

Profiles of Courage is the story of Imam Ahmed. It gives us a glimpse into Islamic history almost 1200 years ago. It is an amazing story that helps us to draw strength from its striking parallels to our lives and times today. It is the powerful and unshakable stand of one indomitable believer - Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal - A scholar who stood strong and tall in the face of the oppression.
Yusuf Idris - Why Don't You Pray?
Allah says: "And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah, offering him sincere devotion, being true (in faith), and to establish regular prayer, and to pay zakaat, and that is the religion right and straight" (al-Bayyinah 5). Also: "Verily, the prayers are enjoined on the believers at stated times" (al-Nisaa 103).Jaabir (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Between a man and polytheism (al-shirk) and disbelief (al-kufr) is the abandoning of the prayer". (Recorded by Muslim.)
- Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3
- Step By Step Guide to the Prayer
- Worship Allah Wherever You Are (Flash Presentation)
In the Hearts of Green Birds

5 th April 1992, war broke out in the Balkans. Many people shouted and screamed. A few actually went to the aid of the Bosnian Muslims. Different organisations came. Much is still talked about the help given by these people. There was however, another group of individuals who also went to Bosnia. No mention was made of them. They came from near and far, young and old, rich and poor, and they travelled to Bosnia. These people were the foreign Mujahideen (volunteer Islamic fighters). Between 1992-95, hundreds came and went. A handful never returned: the Shuhadaa’ – those killed in the way of Allah. With true sincerity to Allah (Allah knows best) and an undying commitment to the Deen of Islam, the Shuhadaa of Bosnia managed, insha’Allah to attain the ultimate objective of a Muslim – the Pleasure of Allah, followed by the reward which awaits in Paradise on High, and Eternal Bliss is unfolded to enjoy.
Under the Shades of Swords

In April 1992, war broke out in the Balkans. Over the next three years, the world was to see one of the greatest atrocities committed against a people. Through the thick cloud of worldwide speeches, conferences and condemnations, a group of individuals merged whom, until today, little is known. From the dusty mountains of Afghanistan to the plush Arabian Gulf, they journeyed to the war-torn region of Bosnia – Herzegovina. They were the Mujahideen, the volunteer Islamic fighters. Out of the hundreds that came and went, a few never returned: the Shuhadaa – those killed in the way of Allah. In the Summer of 1996, Azzam Recordings released the first audio tape of its kind to be produced in English. The name of this tape was: ‘In the Hearts of Green Birds.’ It outlined some of the stories of these men. This tape was so successful, that it spread, by the Will of Allah, throughout many Muslim homes in the UK , North America and Australia . Due to popular demand, in the Summer of 1997, Azzam Recordings produced the sequel to this tape: ‘Under the Shades of Swords.’ We ask Allah to accept the Shuhadaa’ and shower His Mercy upon them. Ameen.
The Fall Of Spain
The fall of spain, formerly known as Andalus. Sheikh Sa'eed Ali illustrates the stricking similarity between the condition that existed some 5 hundred years ago which led to the fast decline of Islam in Spain and the condition that exists now in all islamic countries. Allah alerts us to the importance of studying history and find out what happened to the people of the past. Allah said: "Have they not travelled through the earth and seen what was the end of those who were before them? And verily, the home of the Hereafter is the best for those who fear Allah and obey Him (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds, and by performing righteous good deeds). Do you not then understand?" [12:109]Family Life In Islam

By Hasan Ali. Whether it be your wife, husband, parent, child or future prospective, these lectures will provide the basic, necessary tools from the Quran and the Sunnah to enhance your inter-personal relationships. Discover your own rights and the rights of others, as well as other people’s personality types, which provides to a greater understanding of how to deal with the person in the best possible way to achieve your goal.
[1] - Idividual Rights
Basic human rights of a civilization, which are also the rights of family members, are discussed here, including the right to a good upbringing, the right to participate in the affairs of those in charge, the right to the freedom of expression and security of personal freedom
[2] - Idividual Rights Continued
A comprehensive Quranic outlook on human rights that are also found in family life including the right to a good upbringing and the right to the freedom of expression
[3] - Compatible Marriage
Marriage is the beginning of a new family life and the spouse may either make heaven or hell for a person in this world. so find out how to choose the most compatible person for marriage by analyzing sixteen different personality types, whether you are choosing for yourself or for a loved one.
[4] - Womens Rights
Today the West accuses Islam of denying Muslim women their rights but this lecture demonstrate that fact that Islam gave women their rights 1200 years before Europe and the west even began to discuss women's rights! The rights of husbands and wives is also discussed
[5] - Nature of Men and Women
Every couple tries to avoid an argument, but somehow it always seems to take place; this lecture tries to solve this problem by highlighting the differences in the nature of men and women, the rights of parents and of how Prophet (pbuh) treated children are also discussed here
[6] - How to Raise Children
This lecture deals with practical ways of dealing with children starting from pregnancy and moving on to early childhood. It offers general principles of controlling children in the correct manner without harshness or leniency, which are all backed up from the Quran and Sunnah
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