You can watch whole series from here:

Beware!!! some topics (from The Arrivals Series) contain nudity. Following are the main parts you should be carefull while watching. 

Click on these parts to DOWNLOAD the edited versions (edited nudity/vulgar graphics}

 Password For Downloaded .rar file is mission_uk

I recommend you guys to watch 'The Divine Book' series.

Click YouTube icon below to watch and browse through videos.

Note: Other than the Holy Verses, all that is shared in these films should not be taken as absolute truth, but rather a well researched presentation to be further investigated by you.

These videos are made to wake us all up from the fantasy world we're living in. Videos contain some graphics like revealing body curves,nudity etc. only to show how people are deceived, as a Muslim we should not watch anything like that, so my suggestion is to be carefull while viewing these videos. Actually the intention was mass audience and in western world.. you know how it is.. people living in western world are so much dependent on media that they forget about whats real and whats not..